I have received a damaged product. What should I do? 


No worries! Drop us a email at info@goodworkdaily.com with the images of the damaged product within 7 days of receiving the order. We will check and have the product replaced.


Are your products returnable?


All our products are replaceable in case they reach you in a damaged condition.


What happens if I am not available to receive my parcel

Our courier partner will make an attempt to reach you via a phone call or SMS while delivering the order. Please ensure that you take calls from our courier partner to facilitate delivery of your package. Once the parcel has been shipped back to us due to an undeliverable address, we will automatically cancel your order


What should I do if I have received only a part of my order 

We make sure that all the products are sent to you in one package. Please mail us at info@goodworkdaily.com with the details of the missing product within 10 days of receiving your order. We shall check and get it sorted ASAP.


I am not able to track my order

Please write to us at info@goodworkdaily.com and we will get back to you with the exact location of your product.